SheFeatures: Judy Hancock Holland
Name: Judy Hancock Holland
Camera: OM System OM-1
Favourite type(s) of photography: Minimalism, flower photography and abstracts
Location: Nanaimo, BC on Vancouver Island, Canada
How did you get into photography?
I started in university, when a bunch of friends in the student residence taught me how to load and develop film and make my own prints. I was hooked immediately. I had to set it aside in favour of career and family, but returned to it avidly when I retired.
Do you have any photographic qualifications or accolades?
I've won a number of awards for my work. Recently, I've backed off from competing and prefer to teach and follow my heart to make images that satisfy me rather than anyone else.
What's the first photograph you remember seeing or shooting?
The first photo I remember seeing was a portrait by Canadian-Armenian photographer Yousef Karsh. I was 10 years old and we were studying famous Canadians. I was captivated by Karsh's use of light and contrast.
What do you love about photography?
Wow... great question. There's so much to love about it. I love the opportunity for creative self-expression, the way it slows me down to notice things and drink in beauty, and the endless potential for further learning and growth. I also enjoy the opportunity to share work with others.
What do you wish you'd learned about photography earlier?
Composition - not as a set of rules, but as a way of understanding the psychological effects of various compositional elements. I want my photographs to evoke emotion, and an understanding of the principles of aesthetics helps me do that. Yet when I was learning originally, it was all technical stuff. Now, when I mentor photographers, I emphasise learning to see and compose before I get into the technical side.
Where is your favourite place for photography?
I love my studio. I have some health challenges that make it difficult to get around. But in my studio, I can create setups and lighting that please me. And unlike a lot of photographers, I love the post-processing side of photography, and enjoy the creative possibilities presented by our modern software.
Do you have a favourite photographic technique?
If I had to choose just one, I'd say focus stacking. I like capturing every tiny detail of my subject, with sharpness from front to back.
Can you briefly outline your approach to image processing?
It depends on my goal. Often, it's just local adjustments to tone; sometimes, I go wild with special effects.
What's your favourite lens?
That's a tough one. It's probably my Olympus 60mm macro lens, although the 45mm f/1.8 is a very close second.
Do you have a favourite accessory?
I love my Godox studio strobe with gridded strip box. It gives me a lot of scope for creating the lighting I want.
Have you found the perfect camera bag yet?
For what I do, I'm very happy with my Think Tank Airport International. It rolls, and fits in the overhead bins on large aircraft.
Which photographers have influenced or inspired you, and how or why?
Edward Weston and Imogen Cunningham for their simplicity. Robert Mapplethorpe for his treatment of flowers. Karsh for his lighting. But my most important influence, I think, is the painter Georgia O'Keeffe.
Please recommend 2 or 3 female photographers to follow on Instagram.
Heidi Egerman (@hegerman), Jacqui Turner (@jacqui_turner_photography) and Trish Hanna (@trishpix)
Is there a camera, lens or accessory that you don't have yet but you'd like to buy at some point?
I'd love to have a real, stand-alone studio. (Is that an accessory?) Right now, I use my dining room.
Is there a photography genre you love but haven't tried yet?
I'd love to try equine photography, and astro also has some appeal.
What's your proudest photographic moment?
There have been several, most recently being accepted into Lenswork's fine art book "Light, Glorious Light".
If you could have one superpower that could help you with photography, what would it be?
To me, being strong and fit would be a superpower that would help me expand my practice. (Youth would be nice, too.)
Your favourite baked goods are?
Cookies!!! Especially chocolate chip.
Please tell us a little about yourself.
I'm fairly introverted, but I love chatting with people one-on-one or in small groups. I have a real passion for teaching and have been doing that for over 50 years. A real upside of the pandemic for me has been the chance to present to groups throughout the English-speaking world, from the Canadian Association for Photographic Art to the Royal Photographic Society and various groups in the US.