Frequently asked questions
How do I join the community?
Sign-up here to receive our newsletter and gain access to the private members-only area where you’ll find our webinar videos, information about our events and meet-ups as well as links to our exclusive SheClicks merchandise shops.
You can also request to join the Facebook group. That’s where most of the chat takes place. It’s only open to people who identify as women and it’s where you can ask questions, seek advice, share images, ask for constructive criticism and find inspiration.
Why should I join the community?
We’re a friendly group of women who enjoy photography and want you to do the same. We run free webinars in which you hear from great female photographers and photographic experts. We also have meet-ups where we shoot a few images, chat about photography and often get to try some new kit.
Where can I buy a SheClicks top?
Sign-up to gain access to our members-only area and then hop over to our Merchandise page for more information.
How much is membership?
Membership is FREE!
How do I join the facebook community?
Easy, just make sure you are signed into Facebook, follow this link and click on the button to request to join. You’ll be asked a question (are you woman?) to keep out trolls.
How do I watch the webinars?
You can watch the webinars live on the Facebook Group feed, but they are also available afterwards on the Webinar page in the members-only area of this website.
When is the next webinar?
Our webinars currently take place on a monthly basis. Please take a look at our Webinar page in the members’ area for more information. If you aren’t a member yet you can sign up here.
How do I submit a blog?
If you would like to write a blog for us, please take a look at our Blog section to see the sort of subjects that have been covered so far. Then, please drop me an email at angela@sheclicks.net with your subject idea - I can tell you if something similar is already in the pipeline.
Our blog posts need to be around 300-1,000 words and have at least 1 image (no more than 5, please). Please send the images as Jpegs and sized to 1280 pixels along the longest side at 72dpi
Here’s a checklist of what we need:
Blog title:
Copy: Around 300-1000 words
Images: At least one but ideally 3-5 (1280 pixels along the longest side at 72dpi)
Your name:
Website address:
Social media handles:
How can I do an Instagram takeover?
We love an Insta takeover! Please drop me a line at angela@sheclicks.net and let me know a little about yourself, when you’d like to do the takeover and what you have in mind.
We use Facebook’s mentoring system to enable members to mentor each other. After joining the scheme via the SheClicks Facebook group, you can explain what subjects you’d like to be mentored in, and/or which areas you’re able to mentor someone else. You can also browse to find someone who is a good match to mentor or be mentored by you.

Still have questions?
I would be happy to answer anymore questions you have!