SheFeatures: Emma Finch

Emma Finch profile picture

Name: Emma Finch

Camera: Canon EOS 5D Mark IV
Favourite type of photography: Portraiture
Instagram: @emmafinchphotography
Location: Manchester, UK

How did you get into photography?

I’ve always loved photography, but I threw myself into portraiture to photograph my two girls as they grow up!

Do you have any photographic qualifications or accolades?

I have a BTEC Distinction, but really, I’m all self-taught.

What's the first photograph you remember seeing or shooting?

The first photo I remember is one of me in a red coat walking along a lane in Wales. Strangely, I inadvertently took an almost identical shot of my first daughter in a red coat. We even had the same finger positioning!

What do you love about photography?

Connecting with people - I find portraiture quite intimate and people often open up about their lives. I love the fact that photography is both creative and technical.

What do you wish you'd learned about photography earlier?

It has taken me to my late 40s to get to a position where I am comfortable enough to put myself forward now and believe in my own abilities. Imposter syndrome is very real!

Where is your favourite place for photography?

I love shooting in my studio - it is designed in a very feminine way and doesn’t look much like a studio!

Do you have a favourite photographic technique?

Learning to feather my lights has revolutionised my lighting!

Can you briefly outline your approach to image processing?

My basic selection happens in Lightroom and I’ll do any light batch editing there. Then I move to Photoshop for the more detailed work. Dodging and burning is my biggest tip - lighten the areas you want to draw attention to and darken the areas you don’t. I try to get as much right in camera through lighting and posing so that I don’t have to do too much editing.

What's your favourite lens?

My Canon EF 24-70mm F2.8L is my workhorse lens

Read our Guide to Camera Resolution

Do you have a favourite accessory?

My Pixapro Pika200 lights and an octobox modifier.

Have you found the perfect camera bag yet?

I have a Kelly Moore black leather satchel-style bag.

Read the 15 Lessons from the SheClicks Women in Photography Podcast

Which photographers have influenced or inspired you, and how or why?

I love Lindsay Adler - her lighting skills and use of colour are very inspirational.

Please recommend 2 or 3 female photographers to follow on Instagram.

For portraiture - Lindsay Adler (@lindsayadler_photo), Lara Jade (@larajadephotography), The Elderwood Photography (@the_elderwood_photography)

Is there a camera, lens or accessory that you don't have yet but you'd like to buy at some point?

I am hoping to buy a Canon EOS R5 this summer, but I’ll also take a look at the Canon EOS R5 Mark II.

Read our Canon EOS R5 Mark II Review

Is there a genre of photography that you love but you haven't tried yet?

I’ve tried most genres, it’s the best way to learn and get to grips with your camera before you specialise. I’d like to experiment with a more arty abstract style of portraiture.

What's your proudest photographic moment?

Speaking at The Photography Show this year on stage in front of a large audience was a pinch-me moment. Also, coming third in the Guild of Photographers’ Photographer of the Year Awards 2023 was a proud moment.

If you could have one superpower that could help you with photography, what would it be?

More time!! There’s so much I’d love to do, I just need a 9-day week!

Your favourite baked goods are?

Erm, I’m a chocoholic, does that count?

Please tell us a little about yourself.

I have been a professional portrait photographer and educator for over 10 years. I have won multiple national awards, had over 55 international publications, including front covers, and been a finalist in the Guild of Photographers Portrait of the Year competition four times. I am proud to have built one of the UK's leading boudoir brands, and clients fly in from around the world to shoot with me.

As well as running Belle Privé Photography, I also run Emma Finch Photography which is predominantly on location, natural light photography specialising in family, lifestyle and branding.

In addition, I am co-founder of Photography Session Days, teaching portrait photography and organising portfolio-building events for photographers. Working in unique locations around the UK, we bring models and performers together to create award winning images for photographers' portfolios.

When not behind the camera, I am a wife and a mother to two girls and a labrador puppy. I eat, sleep and breathe photography! My second passion in life is travelling, which I do as much as possible!

Emma’s Favourite Images

A red-haired woman dancing in a green dress
a black and white portrait of a woman wearing a larger straw hat
A vintage-style portrait of a man with a white beard smoking a pipe and wearing a top hat
A potrait of a woman in a low-cut, close-fitting bronze dress and red shoes
portrais of a woman with her arms wrapped across her chest and with a string of pearls around her neck
Angela Nicholson

Angela is the founder of SheClicks, a community for female photographers. She started reviewing cameras and photographic kit in early 2004 and since then she’s been Amateur Photographer’s Technical Editor and Head of Testing for Future Publishing’s extensive photography portfolio (Digital Camera, Professional Photography, NPhoto, PhotoPlus, Photography Week, Practical Photoshop, Digital Camera World and TechRadar). She now primarily writes reviews for SheClicks but does freelance work for other publications.

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