SheFeatures: Helen Trust
Name: Helen Trust
Camera: Canon EOS 5D IV & Sony RX100 VII
Favourite type of photography: Minimalism and long exposure photography, landscapes, seascapes, wildlife, architecture and street
Location: Taunton, Somerset, UK
Instagram: @helen_trust
How did you get into photography?
I was determined when told by my school careers advisor that I could never be a photographer because I was rubbish at art (which I was!!!). Since a young age, I've always loved my camera, but life took over, and I went into business as a career. At 30, I quit my job and went back to college for a year to study and focus on photography.
Do you have any photographic qualifications or accolades?
City & Guilds in Photography 2004, Guild of Photography Award Winner, APOY Category Winner, Formatt Hitech Ambassador.
What's the first photograph you remember seeing or shooting?
I remember spending hours in the Ansel Adams Gallery in the heart of Yosemite Valley back in the mid-90s and came away so inspired. I regularly refer back to his books.
What do you love about photography?
Being in the great outdoors, seeing things differently both inside and out and being able to de-stress and just focus on something that's not life.
What do you wish you'd learned about photography earlier?
Street view on Google Maps..... I can plan my photography shoots and locations in advance and even see the scene or architecture from many angles.
Where is your favourite place for photography?
It’s impossible to pick one. I love the outdoors but also can't resist a subway station or grand building. My favourite city is Venice and I visit every year at Christmas as a pressie to myself.
Do you have a favourite photographic technique?
Long exposure photography - I can't resist popping some filters on it and watching the scene transform.
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Can you briefly outline your approach to image processing?
I process my images in Photoshop, often finding many squares in a single shot. I do minimal editing, just checking contrast, highlights and shadows, removing dust spots and adding my border and logo for Instagram low res images.
What's your favourite lens?
My Canon EF 16-35mm f/2.8 L II wide-angle.
Read our Guide to Camera Lenses, all those terms explained
Do you have a favourite accessory?
My Formatt Hitech Firecrest Ultra filters.
Read our Peak Design Slide Lite Review
Have you found the perfect camera bag yet?
My 20-year-old Lowepro CompuTrekker AW has never let me down, and I've not been able to find anything that comes close to ticking all the boxes, so I pray it never breaks!
Which photographers have influenced or inspired you, and how or why?
The work of Ansel Adams has always been a favourite and got me out into the Californian wilderness with my camera in the 90s. Carla Regler boosted my confidence when I attended one of her workshops many years ago and has been a close friend ever since. I wouldn't have kept going without her encouragement.
Please recommend 2 or 3 female photographers to follow on Instagram.
Carla Regler (@carlaregler), Honey J Walker (@honeyjwalkerphotography), Heather Tonge (@heathertongephotography)
Is there a camera, lens or accessory that you don't have yet but you'd like to buy at some point?
No, but I wish they hadn't discontinued the Canon 5D Mark IV, so I am saving for another spare body before they all run out.
Is there a genre of photography that you love but you haven't tried yet?
I've just started wildlife photography in the last few months, and I’m really loving it, so I would like to pursue it more.
What's your proudest photographic moment?
Taking my family and friends to the Savoy for the British Photography Awards Ceremony. I didn't win but came runner-up in the landscape category and it was a special moment shared with the most important people in my life. :-)
If you could have one superpower that could help you with photography, what would it be?
20/20 Perfect vision...... ageing is starting to cause problems!
Your favourite baked goods are?
Millionaire Shortbread.
Please tell us a little about yourself.
Exploring the great outdoors really helps me to unwind from day-to-day pressures and balance the mind. I often become overwhelmed by the scenes in front of me and struggle with appropriate composition, but since falling in love with long exposure techniques, I can slow things down and sometimes turn a mediocre shot into something special. Squares have become my best friend over the last few years, posting an image a day on Instagram, focusing on the smaller details, patterns, negative space, pastels and basic minimalism.