SheFeatures: Helen Cherry

Name: Helen Cherry

Camera: Two Olympus OM-D E-M1 Mark II bodies
Favourite type(s) of photography: Nature, mostly wildlife and forestry, plus street with a little bit of anything else I fancy thrown in.
Instagram: @helenjcherry
Location: Cambridgeshire, UK

How did you get into photography?

My ex-husband was a little into photography, and he/we had an Olympus OM1 film camera, which I still have (I must put a film in it!). But this was used almost exclusively by my husband to take photos of the children, etc., and produce slides. I only bought my own camera, a little Fujifilm Finepix, in about 2011, and that's when my interest started.

Do you have any photographic qualifications or accolades?


What's the first photograph you remember seeing or shooting?

I'm 70, so my memory isn't that good! The first photo that I posted when I started my photography blog back on 29 December 2011 is of a group of Santa Clauses on a Gondola taken in Venice; surely memorable! It's the one I've sold most versions of.

What do you love about photography?

For me, being out in nature with my camera is like meditation and it served as a great stress reliever when I was still working. In my non-photography life, I am very impatient, but when I am out with my camera, I can wait, wait and wait again to get the photo I want. As a mostly wildlife photographer, I cherish the moments when I have come face-to-face with a wild animal and made eye contact just before getting the shot. Magic memories can be made with photography.

What do you wish you'd learned about photography earlier?

That less is often more. Also, when composing a photograph, if there is time, to check all four corners of the image before taking the shot, it can save you a lot of editing later. I also wish I'd learnt the technical basics as I've always struggled with the that side of photography.

Where is your favourite place for photography?

Anywhere I can sit on the ground, in my waterproof trousers, and wait for wildlife, but particularly Scotland.

Do you have a favourite photographic technique?

I am pretty much a conventional photographer, but I sometimes like to use a slow shutter speed, particularly for seascapes.

Can you briefly outline your approach to image processing?

I am trying to be more organised these days, but that’s not my natural state, I'm afraid. I don't use Lightroom to import photos ( I can hear the tutting already), I copy files from the SD card to an external hard drive with date and keywords. I immediately delete what I am not going to keep, using Fast Picture Viewer, and then I create another copy on a second hard drive. I mostly use Photoshop for editing and have to be in the mood for it, as I'd rather be outside.

What's your favourite lens?

M.Zuiko Digital ED 300mm F4.0 IS PRO

Do you have a favourite accessory?

Kase magnetic circular filters. A game changer for me.

Have you found the perfect camera bag yet?

Lack of funds prevents me from searching too hard. I still use the first camera bag I bought about 12 or 13 years ago. It's a Lowepro Slingshot 202 AW. I do have others, but this is still the one I use most often.

Which photographers have influenced or inspired you, and how or why?

Mimo Khair. I started following her photography blog many years ago when mine was very active too. She is a wonderful street/people photographer with a big heart who is adept at showing you human connections.

Please recommend 2 or 3 female photographers to follow on Instagram.

@mimokhair, @amivitale and @daniconnorwild

Is there a camera, lens or accessory that you don't have yet but you'd like to buy at some point?

OM System OM-1 Mark II

Is there a photography genre you love but haven't tried yet?

Underwater photography, and I'd also like to have a go at photographing dancers.

What's your proudest photographic moment?

I can't separate three, so here they are. Having my photo of a misty scene at my local lake commended in the Monochrome section of the International Garden Photographer of the Year competition. The photo was printed in the Collection 6 book, which shows how long ago it was. Unfortunately, I was told it couldn't go any further because the file was too small for printing. Also, twice having photos selected for the SheClicks Exhibition at The Photography Show and my composite ‘Visible Balance of Power' got a first at my camera club, which is the very prestigious Cambridge Camera Club.

If you could have one superpower that could help you with photography, what would it be?

As walking long distances can be difficult for me, I'd like to be able to fly to get myself in the perfect spot to take the photo I want, for example, half-way up a mountain.

Your favourite baked goods are?

Eccles cakes.

Please tell us a little about yourself.

I'm a former Learning Disability Nurse and Safeguarding Social Worker, now retired. A creative outlet has always been very important in my life, to counter the stresses of jobs and life generally. I've done many crafts in the past, but photography now fills that purpose.

I love nothing better than heading off into the wilds and islands of Scotland in my campervan for weeks at a time, parking up under mountains, beside the sea or lakes, in forests or vast open spaces, and photographing as I go. Bliss.

Helen’s Favourite Images

silver birch trees in golden light
silhouetted ducks on a pond in black and white
a hare sat in chamomille
a monkey leaning against a tree looking in thought
figures walking past a wall in black and white
Angela Nicholson

Angela is the founder of SheClicks, a community for female photographers. She started reviewing cameras and photographic kit in early 2004 and since then she’s been Amateur Photographer’s Technical Editor and Head of Testing for Future Publishing’s extensive photography portfolio (Digital Camera, Professional Photography, NPhoto, PhotoPlus, Photography Week, Practical Photoshop, Digital Camera World and TechRadar). She now primarily writes reviews for SheClicks but does freelance work for other publications.

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