SheFeatures: Beverley Birchley
Name: Beverley Birchley
Camera: OM System OM-1 and a Leica Q2 ‘Ghost’
Favourite type(s) of photography: Wildlife and street
Instagram: @bbirchley
Location: Near Sandwich, Kent
How did you get into photography?
When I retired, my husband gave me his old Nikon camera, which I could only use on iA (intelligent auto) mode. I followed A Year with My Camera so that I learned what I could do with a camera, and I was hooked! I don’t go anywhere without a camera and choose handbags based on whether my camera will fit into it.
Do you have any photographic qualifications or accolades?
No qualifications, but I’m always really pleased to have one of my images chosen in a competition or by a magazine.
What's the first photograph you remember seeing or shooting?
The first image I took was in black and white and was of my father when I was about 5 or 6 years old. We were at Stonehenge and I used a Kodak Brownie. In the picture he looks taller than the standing stones!
What do you love about photography?
Everything! It may sound cheesy, but I see things that I’m sure I missed in the past, and obviously, light and lighting have more meaning now. The ability to capture something, sometimes spontaneously or with a bit of planning is exciting!
What do you wish you'd learned about photography earlier?
Again, everything. Even the basic techniques were a mystery to me just seven years ago.
Where is your favourite place for photography?
Africa! No matter which country I’m in there, it feels like I’ve come home. Obviously, the wildlife is amazing (and frustrating), but I also enjoy documenting people’s lives, which are, more often than not, so different to mine.
Do you have a favourite photographic technique?
I’m moving toward black-and-white photography.
Can you briefly outline your approach to image processing?
I use Lightroom and Snapseed and try not to alter the original so much that I lose the original image that I had in my head when I took the shot.
What's your favourite lens?
Olympus M. Zuiko 12-100mm F4 IS Pro.
Do you have a favourite accessory?
Peak Design Cuff (it’s a wrist strap).
Have you found the perfect camera bag yet?
The Peak Design Everyday Tote works for me.
Which photographers have influenced or inspired you, and how or why?
I love the work of Ami Vitale and Alan Schaller. The former, because of her work with wildlife and how she encapsulates their form and life to tell visual stories. Alan Schaller is a street photographer who works in black and white and uses the medium to add extra mood to his images.
Please recommend 2 or 3 female photographers to follow on Instagram.
Ami Vitale (@amivitale), Flora Borsi (@floraborsiofficial)
Is there a camera, lens or accessory that you don't have yet but you'd like to buy at some point?
Not sure, it depends on whether OM System ups its game or not. I’m going to try out the Nikon Z8 and 600mm lens for wildlife.
Is there a photography genre you love but haven't tried yet?
What's your proudest photographic moment?
Having an image published.
If you could have one superpower that could help you with photography, what would it be?
Invisibility! For wildlife and street that could be a game changer.
Your favourite baked goods are?
Burnt basque cheesecake.
Please tell us a little about yourself.
I was born in Wales and worked in education. I’m married, retired early and love travel. And now, I’m obsessed with my camera. I’ve met so many great people through photography, and it’s really boosted my self-confidence to have others like my images. I find myself researching places to visit, based on what’s good to photograph there, and thanks to SheClicks, I even read reviews of new kit, and understand most of the technical stuff! I often wonder what path I might have followed if I’d had a camera put in my hands when studying zoology at Uni!