SheFeatures: Anita Turner
Name: Anita Turner
Camera: Fujifilm X-H2S and X-T5
Favourite type of photography: Wildlife, nature and travel
Location: Northumberland, near Hadrian's Wall, UK
How did you get into photography?
I have carried a camera everywhere I went since childhood and have albums full of holiday snaps. However, it is only in the last 5 or so years I have got more into photography and started to learn how to get the best out of my cameras.
Do you have any photographic qualifications or accolades?
I don’t.
What's the first photograph you remember seeing or shooting?
The first photographs I remember taking were of my friends on the last day of primary school. In particular, a line of girls doing handstands.
What do you love about photography?
I love getting out into the countryside and losing myself with my camera for a few hours. However, through SheClicks, I have surprised myself and discovered that I also love being out with a group of like-minded ladies, especially when coffee and cake are involved.
What do you wish you'd learned about photography earlier?
I wish I had found the time to get off auto and learn how to take control of the camera sooner.
Where is your favourite place for photography?
Anywhere outdoors, but all the better if there is wildlife or I am in a fabulous new holiday location.
Do you have a favourite photographic technique?
There is still so much for me to learn about different techniques that I would not say I have a favourite yet. However, I am enjoying experimenting with the Lensbaby Sweet 22.
Read our Lensbaby Sweet 22 Review
Can you briefly outline your approach to image processing?
This is an area I still need to get to grips with. At the moment, I do no more than a bit of tweaking in Lightroom and attempt to remove the odd dust spot. It's definitely on my list of skills to learn.
What's your favourite lens?
This tends to be the most recently purchased, so currently, the Lensbaby Sweet 22 is getting a lot of use. I also love my Fujinon XF 18mm F/1.4.
Read our Guide to Camera Lenses, all those terms explained
Do you have a favourite accessory?
My Peak Design Slide Lite Camera straps.
Read our Peak Design Slide Lite Review
Have you found the perfect camera bag yet?
No. I have a few bags that I use in different situations, but have yet to find the perfect, comfortable bag.
Which photographers have influenced or inspired you, and how or why?
I am not one for following famous photographers, so I am going to stay local and say Sarah Loveland, whom I went to for lessons to get off auto and who continues to inspire me. I must also mention Angela and all the amazing SheClickers I have met and learned from over the last 5 years.
Please recommend 2 or 3 female photographers to follow on Instagram.
I am a rarity and am not on Instagram.
Is there a camera, lens or accessory that you don't have yet but you'd like to buy at some point?
There's always something else to yearn for, but I still dream of the Peak Design Travel Tripod after seeing everyone's at a SheClicks meet-up in Crosby, Merseyside.
Is there a genre of photography that you love but you haven't tried yet?
Multiple exposure. (NB. was written before the October 2024 SheClicks Challenge).
What's your proudest photographic moment?
Getting a photo accepted for a local open call exhibition. The first time I had one of my photos in an exhibition.
If you could have one superpower that could help you with photography, what would it be?
The ability to stay out all day without worrying about where the nearest public facilities are.
Your favourite baked goods are?
Lemon drizzle cake.
Please tell us a little about yourself.
Like many ladies, I spent most of my adult life with little time for myself. Having recently taken early retirement and having children who have partly flown the nest, I am now making some time to do the things I enjoy, including getting out more with my camera. I have so much to learn, and again, like many SheClickers, I struggle with imposter syndrome when I see the amazing work here. I made a conscious effort to start entering the monthly challenges despite not feeling "good enough" and encourage everyone to do the same, you never know what will catch the eye and it's a great excuse for a glass of fizz if one does get chosen!