SheFeatures: Liz Hammond
Name: Liz Hammond
Camera: Canon EOS R7 (plus analogue cameras I occasionally run film through)
Favourite type of photography: Night / Low light, ICM, Nature, Urban / Street, Abstract / Details... I just love photography!
Instagram: @LizHammondPhotographer
Location: Camberley, Surrey, UK
How did you get into photography?
The science teacher in my primary school did a project teaching us to develop B&W film and make prints. The whole process captivated me, and seeing a print appear was magic. For the duration of the project, I was allowed unsupervised use of my dad's Kodak Instamatic camera. This was a huge deal! After that, I wanted a camera, but did not get one for years. This made it mean even more to me when I finally did.
Do you have any photographic qualifications or accolades?
What's the first photograph you remember seeing or shooting?
The first photo I remember shooting is of a dolphin at a safari park. In my head, it was this amazing dynamic shot of the dolphin jumping through a hoop... in reality, the bottom corner of the frame is covered by a bandaged finger! But there is a hoop, and there is a dolphin. I still have that little print, it’s good to see where it all started.
What do you love about photography?
Everything. The ability to capture the sensation and emotion of a moment.
What do you wish you'd learned about photography earlier?
How important the glass (i.e. lens) is and to not be afraid of buying second hand.
Also, step-up rings exist—when buying circular filters, get the largest you need for the lenses you want and step-up rings for the other smaller lens diameters you have. Early on, I wasted a lot of money on buying filters for each diameter lens I had. There were so many to carry, so it also made the kit more bulky, and often, I'd end up leaving some behind — normally exactly the one I needed!
Where is your favourite place for photography?
The bluebell woods in full flower.
Do you have a favourite photographic technique?
I like to experiment, I'm always looking for new things to try. Intentional Camera Movement (ICM) is something I have used for many years and often return to.
Can you briefly outline your approach to image processing?
I mainly process in Affinity. It can be anything from the basics to going wild, depending on what I think the image(s) need to express what I want. I use Topaz for noise reduction if I've really pushed it.
What's your favourite lens?
This really varies over time and on what I am shooting. My most recent favourite is the Lensbaby Double Glass II.
Read our Guide to the Best Lensbaby Lenses
Do you have a favourite accessory?
Oh I can't choose.. its between the Kase Wolverine Magnetic Filters and the Peak Design Carbon Fiber Travel Tripod. I was delighted that the Kase Wolverine Magnetic Filters won the SheClicks Accessory of the Year Award 2022.
Have you found the perfect camera bag yet?
Finding a unicorn is more likely! The right bag for the right situation, yes. I'm saving for one of the Shimoda Women's Collection Backpacks as it is the most comfortable bag I have ever tried. My back did not hurt or feel tired from wearing it.
Read our Shimoda Explore 30 v2 Women’s Series Backpack Review
Which photographers have influenced or inspired you, and how or why?
Alvin Langdon Coburn for his nonobjective photographs and vortographs.
Please recommend 2 or 3 female photographers to follow on Instagram.
@rachelmcnultyabstract, @saxtraction
Is there a camera, lens or accessory that you don't have yet but you'd like to buy at some point?
I’m looking to move my lenses from Canon EF to RF mount. Most of the lenses I'm using currently are EF with the RF converter that came with the Canon EOS R7. I've tried some of the Canon RF mount lenses at SheClicks meet-ups, and I definitely have a growing shopping list.
Is there a genre of photography that you love but you haven't tried yet?
What's your proudest photographic moment?
Having an image shortlisted in a round of Camera Jabber Photographer of the Year, because that was the first time something like that happened for me. Very closely followed by getting an image selected for the Spooky round of the SheClicks challenge, you can see it in the SheClicks Gallery.
If you could have one superpower that could help you with photography, what would it be?
Stabilized levitation so that I could precisely position myself at exactly the right level and location, looking through the eyepiece for any shot.
Your favourite baked goods are?
Granny’s Cut-and-Come-Again Cake (what can I say, they were simpler times) failing that, a toasted teacake.
Please tell us a little about yourself.
"I'm not much of a joiner" is what I told Angela at my first SheClicks meet-up. Well, I ate those words!
I'm a multi-genre amateur photographer. I love experimenting with different techniques and subjects, trying to help out if someone hits a technical issue, sharing my knowledge and learning from others.
I recently started teaching people how to use Affinity software in 1:1 sessions run through Janina Wilde Photography.
Read Liz’s thoughts on the Lensbaby Sweet 22